xmonad and xmonad-contrib 0.17.0 are available

New versions of xmonad and xmonad-contrib have been released. Check out our download page for instructions on where to get them.

It’s been a little over 3 years since xmonad 0.15, and a little over 2 years since xmonad-contrib 0.16. A lot has happened. This post is an overview of the most important changes. To celebrate this milestone, we announce a contest for a new xmonad logo.

Last but not least, we’re looking to raise funds to keep the XMonad project and community alive and relevant in the next decade. With the final X.Org Server 21.1 release being announced today, there are some obvious challenges ahead of us.

Table of Contents

xmonad 0.17.0

This release includes 156 non-merge commits by 22 contributors! For a full summary of all the changes, see xmonad’s CHANGES.md file.

Major Breaking Changes

Selected Features and Improvements

xmonad-contrib 0.17.0

This release includes 582 non-merge commits by 57 contributors! For a full summary of all the changes, see xmonad-contrib’s CHANGES.md file.

Major Breaking Changes

Selected Features and Improvements

Logo Contest

We’d also like to announce a contest to create a new xmonad logo to replace the current one. If you want to participate, please submit at most three logos (in SVG format) to this GitHub discussion by the 31st of January. Please do not vote for a logo yet—voting will start after the above deadline. Your logo will need to be licensed under a suitable freely distributable license; for example, the CC BY-SA 4.0.

The prize for the winner is $100!

For voting, we will use an instant-runoff type system. In short:

We will retain veto power in case of inappropriate logos. Team members whose submitted entries are amongst the remaining choices will not partake in the potential tiebreaking vote.

Looking for Funding

TL;DR: GitHub Sponsors Open Collective

XMonad has been around since 2007 and has a great track record in stability. There’s an active, vibrant community of users and developers who help each other and contribute fixes and extensions. Keeping this community organized, reviewing and merging contributions and responding to bug reports is almost a full-time job, however, not to mention doing actual development. We’ve been struggling to find volunteers to do all this work, especially the less exciting bits like documentation.

Despite that struggle, we managed to repay a portion of our technological and organizational debt over the last year, and to pick up the pace of development:

activity chart

We’re worried about the sustainability of that pace, however. As with the previous generations of maintainers, our studies and sabbaticals won’t last forever.

Your help is needed to keep the project alive and well. We’d like to raise enough funds to enable at least one core developer to work on XMonad full-time (or several part-time). To learn more about our plans for the future, see our GitHub Sponsors profile.

Thanks to one unexpected appearance on the Hacker News front page, we already gathered a couple dozen sponsors who donate in total over $300 a month. We’re incredibly grateful for this support! Our fiscal host is the Open Source Collective, so our budget is fully transparent on our Collective’s page.

If you also want to aid our efforts going forward, please consider becoming a supporter as well. We accept both monthly and one-time donations through GitHub Sponsors and Open Collective.

Thank you!